Happy Thanksgiving to all.
In an effort to get more organized I am going to be spending some time from now until the new year sorting and organizing info, data and clues.
My email inbox is really in need.
Was going through it today and didn't realize how many people I need to respond to.
Will be updating the numbering of both trees. Always nice to have accurate numbers to start the year with. One job though as the tree grows that I don't care for much only because it has become quite time consuming.
I also am submitting a story to the West Michigan Genealogical Society in the first quarter of 2013 for a contest about a unique family story.
I am writting about Marion Gallup http://www.odmp.org/officer/5245-patrolman-francis-m-gallup and Kenneth Payne. http://www.odmp.org/officer/10461-patrolman-kenneth-earl-payne.
Both were veterans of WWII and after the War returned home a both became motorcycle policemen.
Both were killed in the line of duty within 6 weeks of each other in a car/motorcycle accidents.
Rare coincidence to say the least.