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Sunday, November 27, 2011


Welcome to the new Morfords of Michigan blog.

In a better effort to obtain and distribute genealogical info on my mothers side of my family I have created this blog today.  I'm a bit new to some of the new media social outlets.  But, to let the cat out of the bag early, my News Years Resolution is to become more tech savvy, thus I am now blogging. 

I have over ten years of research on two Morford brothers, who both were early Pioneers in Michigan that I have discovered. I continue to work almost daily on filling in missing branches and continued growth of these trees.

I have attached a link to the Morford Virtual Cemetery I have also created with photos and memorials to many deceased relatives and thier spouses.

More info and links will be added as I continue learn and grow this website.

To date I have found 1900 descendants of Garret Morford Sr. and 1100 descendants of William Lane Morford Sr.

If you discover a possible connection with your family tree please don't hesitate of contact me.