I'm still in the process of formulating a plan on how to best use this site. This is certainly a new experience for me and I apologize for not posting more frequently. I have come up with a few ideas that will allow me to post regularly.
One thing I am now going to do is to highlight branches of the family tree that are the biggest mysteries I am trying to solve. I refer to them as broken branches.
In most cases I have some clues to work with, but unfortunatly these are leading to dead ends.
Hopefully this may help in the future to connect with someone who is directly from or has info on one of these branches to help solve these mysteries.
After doing this for now over ten years, I've solved some of these mysteries after seven or eight years of searching and I can only tell you it is always a very satisfying feeling to solve these. The older the mystery the more gratifying the feeling when it is solved.
It is sort of a process of elimination to fill in these branches. Solve a mystery and move onto the next one.
I am happy to say that I have found most of the earliest descendants, with only a couple real early ancestors whereabouts unknown.
I'm just posting these mysteries as I am searching for an individual, so it is not in any specific order. I really don't have a rhyme or reason to my searching, I just kind of pick out a name and start to see what I can find.
I'll post as many clues as I have about the indivdual as I can. Some of the stories or family lore are absolutly fascinating.
If you come across a person I am looking for and can provide any additional info or details on their whereabouts and history, or someone to contact who may know this info, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Todays first mystery is Marye Juanita Sluyter-Lord.