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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Grace Etta Mumford-Partch 1881-1960

Surprise discovery today, and as a result, I was able to add to add over 30 names today to the William Lane Sr. tree.  That should grow with additional research.  That is what I consider a good day researching. 

What I found was the family of Grace Etta Mumford-Partch.  Grace was the daughter of Ira Mumford Jr. (24) and Cordelia Burr.  Her grandparents are Ira Mumford Sr. and Mercy Morford (5). 

I had been searching for any data I could but was unable to confirm much about her.  Using what info I had, which basically were just census documents, I was under the assumption she had died in her teens and never had any children.

I stumbled upon her name in her Husband's family tree.  Her husband was Archer Fay Partch, aka Archie.  Archie and Grace ended up having four kids and the branches go from there.