Had a pretty successful weekend. Uncovered another line of great interest, specifically the info on a Charles Robert Cook, aka Bob Cook. He is the son of Eva Harriet Walden and her second husband Charles Mark Cook. Eva is the great-great grand daughter of Garret Morford's daughter Mary, who married Abram Cutler.
Bob Cook was a Navy Veteran in WWII and was awarded a Purple Heart. He was the 100th memorial added to my Military Hero Virtual Cemetery. The Military Hero Memorials note those descendants and/or their spouces who served in a branch of the Armed Services. There are Veterans noted from every major conflict dating back to the War of 1812.
As a result I also was able to confirm several additional memorials in Find-A-Grave.com. The Morford Virtural Cemetery now numbers over 580.
Less than 30 days now to the release of the 1940 U.S. Census. I remember when the last census was released, just after I started my research. Hopefully its release will shed some light on the whereabouts of several mystery individuals. For those who may not know, a previous census is released by the government for public viewing every 72 years.
I have applied for a new job within the company I work for, and I should know by the end of the week if I have been selected. If I get the position, I am planning on taking a week of vacation before I start the new assignment. One thing I'll be doing during that week off is going to Lansing to the State Library of Michigan for a day of research. I've compliled quite of list of leads to hopefully solve even more mysteries. Something I've been wanting to do for some time. I've heard it's quite an impressive place.