Still at it, chasing down those elusive tree branches. I've had some recent success and made some incredible biographical discoveries. Sorry though for the long gap between posts, to be honest I'm just not exactly a great blogger but am going to be here more consistent from now on, I can definetly see the benefits of doing so.
One thing I have been researching personally is doing a Morford website specifically, and I am hoping to have that up and running by the New Year, but in the meantime I'll try to keep regular updates here.
Regarding the last post about the 1940 census release.
Even though the info was released to the public, it still had not been indexed by the major online genealogy websites so the ability to search and solve mysteries initially was very difficult.
It took about five months to complete the indexing or the entire country, and even since the info was mimimally informative.
Just within the last couple weeks though I am starting to obtain info from it that has finally been extremely beneficial and unbeliveable informative.