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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another milestone

Finally discovered descendant number 2000 of Garret Morford Sr. this morning.  Ten generations.  Took over nine months to add another 100 to reach this milestone.  With over 1200 now discovered for William Lane Sr. that bring the combined total of relatives to over 3200 for the brothers.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Updated numbering on the William Lane tree, and the results are....

....that I've now discovered 1230 direct descendants of William Lane Morford.  Took me about a week to go through the document and update it. 

157 pages long, with over 36.600 words.

To those I have promised a copy expect it shortly.

Now on to the bigger project, updating the numbering on Garret again.  That tree is just shy of 2000 descendants.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

700th Memorial Added

Added the 700th Memorial to the Morfords of Michigan site I created on Find-A-Grave.com. 

Here's a link.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  

In an effort to get more organized I am going to be spending some time from now until the new year sorting and organizing info, data and clues.

My email inbox is really in need.

Was going through it today and didn't realize how many people I need to respond to.

Will be updating the numbering of both trees.  Always nice to have accurate numbers to start the year with.  One job though as the tree grows that I don't care for much only because it has become quite time consuming.

I also am submitting a story to the West Michigan Genealogical Society in the first quarter of 2013 for a contest about a unique family story. 

I am writting about Marion Gallup http://www.odmp.org/officer/5245-patrolman-francis-m-gallup and Kenneth Payne. http://www.odmp.org/officer/10461-patrolman-kenneth-earl-payne.

Both were veterans of WWII and after the War returned home a both became motorcycle policemen.

Both were killed in the line of duty within 6 weeks of each other in a car/motorcycle accidents.

Rare coincidence to say the least.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy 25th Anniversary Brett and Rhonda Schroder

My sincere congratulations to my youngest sister Rhonda and her Husband Brett Schroder as today marks thier 25th Wedding Anniversary.

They were married in Kentwood Michigan on November 13, 1987.

Brett and Rhonda have two daughters Hannah and Olivia.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

George Szymik 1930-2012

Sorry to hear about the passing of one of my favorite uncles, George Szymik in Wisconsin.  He was the husband to my moms sister Patsy and was just a great guy.  Always treated me great.  I have lots of fond memories of my childhood family vacations in Stevens Point.  We'd spend alot of time there.  I'll always remember him as one great fisherman.  He had a 50" 36 pound musky he caught mounted on his wall in the basement.  Photos of that fish, the day it was caught, show it was almost as big as his son at the time.  My condolences to my cousins Mike and Gary and their families.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

10th Generation for Garret Morford Sr. discovered

Added 12 new members today to the Garrett Morford Sr. tree, including the first two confirmed members of his tenth generation.  Closing in on 2000 of his descendants also, currently at 1944. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Paul B. Morford 5/24/1946 - 6/23/2012

Sorry to have to report some sad news, but I recently discovered the untimely death of Paul B. Morford from Houghton Lake, Michigan.

I had sent him an email a while back and was surprised to never get a response.  Unfortunately, now I know why.

Paul was one of the very first people I contacted when I first started my research of the tree and was always very supportive of me and always went out of his way to share and assist me anyway he could.

Occasionally I would make outbound calls to relatives to try to solve big mysteries.  More than a few of those calls went to some of his relatives, who always checked my references with Paul.  Paul always used to laugh and confirm that what I was doing was legit research. 

I have added a link to his obituary.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tenth Generation and 1200 descendants of William Lane Morford. Sr.

Recently confirmed the first ever members of the 10th generation of descendants from William Lane Morford.  Also today I identified the 1200th descendant of his also.  It took from March 15th to grow the tree yet another 100 descendants.  Growing the tree slowing, but steadily.

I'm Back

Still at it, chasing down those elusive tree branches. I've had some recent success and made some incredible biographical discoveries.  Sorry though for the long gap between posts, to be honest I'm just not exactly a great blogger but am going to be here more consistent from now on, I can definetly see the benefits of doing so. 

One thing I have been researching personally is doing a Morford website specifically, and I am hoping to have that up and running by the New Year, but in the meantime I'll try to keep regular updates here. 

Regarding the last post about the 1940 census release.

Even though the info was released to the public, it still had not been indexed by the major online genealogy websites so the ability to search and solve mysteries initially was very difficult.

It took about five months to complete the indexing or the entire country, and even since the info was mimimally informative.

Just within the last couple weeks though I am starting to obtain info from it that has finally been extremely beneficial and unbeliveable informative.

Monday, March 26, 2012

7 Days and Counting


Only seven more days until the release of the 1940 U.S. Census to the public.


I did get over to the Library of Michigan last week.  Very impressive place.

Uncovered several obits I was seeking, and was able to answer several other questions on some specific branches.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Special Thanks to Fred Rousseau, Find-A-Grave Volunteer

I recently went over 600 Memorials in my Find-A-Grave.com virtual cemetery, with over 490 of these memorials with photos of a grave marker.
The nice thing about the Find-A-Grave.com community is the assistance that the users provide to other users regarding photographing a memorial.

I have about 40 such requests out at this time attempting to get photos where possible of any memorial in my cemetery that currently does not have one.

I had a really nice thing happen this past week when a user named Fred Rousseau assisted me with obtaining photos to a memorial for Zola M. Edwards (1909-1967).

As you can see from the photos there was a little more involved that just taking the photo, the first thing he had to do was find it.

I want to give out a special thanks to Fred for taking these photos, and taking the time to again make Zola's marker viewable, it is appreciated.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today, Thursday, March 22, 2012 marks the 175th anniversary for the date that Garret Morford Sr. was awarded his land grant for land he homesteaded on in HIllsdale County.  On the side is a link to the document.

In July of 2011 I actually travelled to the land to see it.

The land is now used agriculturally.

One pleasant surprise was that I did find the original stone and morter foundation to the the home they built.

Here are a couple photos I took from that trip of the land.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday March 4, 2012 Update

Had a pretty successful weekend.  Uncovered another line of great interest, specifically the info on a Charles Robert Cook, aka Bob Cook.  He is the son of Eva Harriet Walden and her second husband Charles Mark Cook.  Eva is the great-great grand daughter of Garret Morford's daughter Mary, who married Abram Cutler.

Bob Cook was a Navy Veteran in WWII and was awarded a Purple Heart.  He was the 100th memorial added to my Military Hero Virtual Cemetery.  The Military Hero Memorials note those descendants and/or their spouces who served in a branch of the Armed Services.  There are Veterans noted from every major conflict dating back to the War of 1812.

As a result I also was able to confirm several additional memorials in Find-A-Grave.com.  The Morford Virtural Cemetery now numbers over 580. 

Less than 30 days now to the release of the 1940 U.S. Census.  I remember when the last census was released, just after I started my research.  Hopefully its release will shed some light on the whereabouts of several mystery individuals.  For those who may not know, a previous census is released by the government for public viewing every 72 years.

I have applied for a new job within the company I work for, and I should know by the end of the week if I have been selected.  If I get the position, I am planning on taking a week of vacation before I start the new assignment.  One thing I'll be doing during that week off is going to Lansing to the State Library of Michigan for a day of research.  I've compliled quite of list of leads to hopefully solve even more mysteries.  Something I've been wanting to do for some time.  I've heard it's quite an impressive place.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Feb. 25, 2012 Update

I had a couple extra days off this week and since Thursday have made a lot of progress in the Mapes-Bera-Morford branch if was researching.  I found five obits this morning which helped solve a lot of questions. 

With the assistance of the obits mentioned I was able to confirm the whereabouts of both Mildred and Dorothy Mapes.  I had known they were living together as of the 1930 census but never knew if they had married etc. after the date it was obtained.

The obits confirmed both had married, and through some simple searching was able to confirm husbands names and a lot of the vital info I was seeking.

Added several new virtual memorials to the cemetery as a result of these discoveries today.  Getting close to 580 memorials.

I am proud to say I also made entry number 12,000 this morning in my Family Tree Maker 2010 software I am currently using.

Less than 40 days until the release of the 1940 census.  9AM on Tuesday April 2. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Been attempting to uncover some branches of the William Lane Morford Sr. line regarding descendants of Joel Henry Bera and Dora E. Morford.  Dora is daughter of Ardin and Hannah Morford and the granddaughter of William Lane Morford Sr.

While searching yesterday morning I unfortunately stumbled upon an obituary of a relative.  His name was Dennis Lynn O'Toole and he died on January 18, 2012 in Lowell, Michigan.

Dennis was the son of Wendall Leo O'Toole and Gretchen Mapes.

His obituary is now linked on the recent obituaries section on the side and his memorial added to the virtual cemetery.

My sincere condolences go out to his family.

Gretchen Mapes was the daughter of Harry Huntington Mapes and Ethel Mae Bera.

Ethel Mae Bera is the daughter of Joel Henry Bera and Dora Morford.

In 1892 Joel Henry Bera founded what is now know as Mapes Furniture, in Sunfield, Michigan.  The family still runs the 50,000 square foot showroom today and the building itself is one of the the most historic in the community, dating back to the days of its settlement.

Here is a link to the stores history.


I expect to solve a couple of branch mysteries with the discovery of this information.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday Feb. 18, 2012 Update

Been a pretty productive last couple weeks.  I've made contact with a couple relatives recently that have provided much infomation and assisted in growing the tree.

A special Thank You goes out to James Morford from Michigan and  Pam Daniel of Colorado for their assistance providing information on their respective branches of the tree recently.

With their assistance I've added another 40 relatives or so, with many more to come I anticipate.

The reason for this blog and the virtual cemetery I have online has been working, which is good to know, as the contact I have made with these new relatives is directly related.

I found another older post today on an genealogy forum regarding a mystery branch that I am hoping will solve a another mystery.

The Find A Grave virtual cemetery now has over 570 memorials in it.

The William Lane Morford Sr. tree is nearing 1100 identified descendants.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Marye Sluyter-Lord Update

Got three responses seeking info on Marye, but no real solid info I could use.  There is evidently an obit for her death, but they could not seem to find it nor can it be found on any other obit search site I looked at.  It was mentioned she had a son who lives in Michigan who would vist.  I'll see if that clue leads anywhere.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Grace Etta Mumford-Partch 1881-1960

Surprise discovery today, and as a result, I was able to add to add over 30 names today to the William Lane Sr. tree.  That should grow with additional research.  That is what I consider a good day researching. 

What I found was the family of Grace Etta Mumford-Partch.  Grace was the daughter of Ira Mumford Jr. (24) and Cordelia Burr.  Her grandparents are Ira Mumford Sr. and Mercy Morford (5). 

I had been searching for any data I could but was unable to confirm much about her.  Using what info I had, which basically were just census documents, I was under the assumption she had died in her teens and never had any children.

I stumbled upon her name in her Husband's family tree.  Her husband was Archer Fay Partch, aka Archie.  Archie and Grace ended up having four kids and the branches go from there.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Marye Juanita Sluyter-Lord 1929-2005

Sent out a couple inquiries today to Florida attempting to obtain more info on Marye Juanita Sluyter-LORD.  Mary is the third-great granddaughter of William Lane Morford Sr. and her parents are John Bennett Sluyter and Juanita Tubbs.  Keeping my fingers crossed for a possible obit or other info.

Clues I have been able to uncover about her:

1.  Marye is the correct spelling of her first name.  A bit unusual.

2.  She was born on July 10, 1921 in Oakland County, Michigan.

3.  Evidently she married a man with the surname LORD.  I've been unable to determine the husbands first name or any history on him or their marriage.

4. Her date of death appears to be August 5, 2005 in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida.  She appears to have been a resident of a nearby suburb called Oakland Park.

5.  She spent several years before she moved to Florida as a resident of Traverse City, Michigan. 

6.  Marye evidently owned a a piece of property in Oakland Park, that she donated to the cities local historical society, and they use the building now as a historical museum.  Here is a link to Historicial Societies Website about the building and its history.



I'm still in the process of formulating a plan on how to best use this site.  This is certainly a new experience for me and I apologize for not posting more frequently.  I have come up with a few ideas that will allow me to post regularly.

One thing I am now going to do is to highlight branches of the family tree that are the biggest mysteries I am trying to solve.  I refer to them as broken branches.

In most cases I have some clues to work with, but unfortunatly these are leading to dead ends.

Hopefully this may help in the future to connect with someone who is directly from or has info on one of these branches to help solve these mysteries.

After doing this for now over ten years, I've solved some of these mysteries after seven or eight years of searching and I can only tell you it is always a very satisfying feeling to solve these.  The older the mystery the more gratifying the feeling when it is solved.

It is sort of a process of elimination to fill in these branches.  Solve a mystery and move onto the next one.

I am happy to say that I have found most of the earliest descendants, with only a couple real early ancestors whereabouts unknown.

I'm just posting these mysteries as I am searching for an individual, so it is not in any specific order.  I really don't have a rhyme or reason to my searching, I just kind of pick out a name and start to see what I can find.

I'll post as many clues as I have about the indivdual as I can.  Some of the stories or family lore are absolutly fascinating.

If you come across a person I am looking for and can provide any additional info or details on their whereabouts and history, or someone to contact who may know this info, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Todays first mystery is Marye Juanita Sluyter-Lord.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday January 7, 2012 Update

If you didn't know, most of the research I do is done on weekend mornings.  I am an early riser and love to get up and search for stuff.  I do some during the week but not as regularly as the weekends. 

This week though, has been a good one, as I received an email from a family member seeking to exchange info on a line of the tree that I had limited info on, which should lead to another good addition to the tree and also I had several Find A Grave photo requests fulfilled.  I have a link to the virtual cemetery which has now grown to over 550 memorials.

This morning, I stumbled upon another relative, who appears to have just become a member of the Ancestry.com website, they also were from a branch I had been seeking more info on.  Two good leads. 

On Tuesday Jan. 3 we moved to less than 90 days to go until the release of the 1940 census.  I have a link posted to a countdown clock to this event.  I'm compling a list of dead ends through the 1930 census I have, that hopefully the release of this info will assist me to uncover some real family mysteries.  I plan on posting some of these mystery stories regularly in the future.